“PLAN 241” is a feature-length documentary film, currently in pre-production, that tells the story of the FBI investigation into controversial Alaska militia leader, Schaeffer Cox, who was convicted of amassing illegal weapons and conspiracy to murder federal agents. The film is an exploration into the strange details of the case and an introduction to the world of sovereign citizens, so-called “Extremist Patriots” who are, more and more, moving to the top of the FBI’s watch list.

Connections have been made with our subjects, some early footage has been shot, and archival materials have been acquired. Soon, we will be looking toward principal photography on the film. Now is your chance to get behind this project and get some great rewards in the process. Join our team and help us tell this compelling story.



  1. 1.DONATE $5 OR MORE
    A personalized "Thank You" email from the Director and (optional) email updates on the progress of the film.

  2. 2.DONATE $30 OR MORE
    Above + personalized postcard updates (featuring early film artwork) on the progress of the film. Plus, a digital download of the film’s original score, once completed. And, (optional) listing as a patron on the film’s official website at launch.

  3. 3.DONATE $200 OR MORE
    Above + private links to video updates featuring behind-the-scenes footage and crew insights into the progress of the film. Plus, a special “Patrons” copy of the pre-release DVD with a video introduction by the director. And, a copy of our limited-run, festival poster for the film.

  4. 4.DONATE $500 OR MORE
    Above + a "Special Thanks" in the closing credits of the finished film.  Plus, a limited-edition crew T-shirt. And, a hard copy of the original score on your choice of vinyl or CD once completed.

  5. 5.DONATE $1,500 OR MORE
    All the above + a bona-fide Associate Producer credit on the film. 2 Tickets to the film's premiere, and invitations to the after-party (travel/lodging not included) with the creative team. Optional participation in the "online rough cut focus group" during post-production.


    “PLAN 241” PATRONS

Movies cost a lot of money to make -yes, even documentaries. If you want to see this film in the world, please consider donating. No donation is too small. Every little bit helps. See the list of optional rewards we’ve come up with to thank you for your generosity.

Joshua Ligairi. Amber Bollinger. Ty Arnold. William Rowan, Jr. Darin Anderson. Michael Murdock. Chris Ohran. Branden Steineckert.

You’ve seen our team in action. You know our ability to bring our vision to life. You also know how much we’ve already personally sacrificed to tell this story. We’ve gone without sleep. We’ve funded the development of the film out-of-pocket. We’ve had to beg and borrow. In fact, we stopped just short of stealing. Whether your interest is fueled by politics or your passion as a patron of the arts, we are dedicated to making an incredible cinematic experience and humbled that you’d consider helping us make this film all it can be.



If you opt for one of our donation rewards, please contact us at donations@plan241movie.com to alert us to the PayPal account associated with your donation, some proof of donation (screen cap is fine), and an email address and/or mailing address where you’d like your rewards to go. Please note that some of these rewards will not be delivered until the completion of the film. We will respond immediately to any and all questions or concerns regarding donations.

Also, feel free to contact us at any time with questions or information that you think may be useful to us during production at info@plan241movie.com We will do our best to respond to each email we receive. However, we ask that you be sympathetic to the fact that we are currently making a movie and we do not have a large staff on-hand, so responses to general emails may be delayed.